Monday, November 7, 2011

A Year of Blogging: November 7, 2011

November 7 is 'National Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds' Day. Wow. That is extremely specific. Today is not 'chocolate covered nuts' day. No, it must be bittersweet chocolate with almonds. I have no idea why. I'm not fond of either bittersweet chocolate or almonds, so maybe there's something else today. Today is also 'National Hug a Bear' day. Much better! I didn't find an explanation as to whether we are supposed to be hugging Teddy Bears or real bears. Most of the information I found referred to teddy bears, so I'm going to assume it is meant to hug teddy bears today. After all, hugging a real bear is just dangerous! I am a teddy bear lover, so I may be biased, but I think you are never too old to hug a bear. It doesn't matter the size of the bear- they respond with love whether big or small. Hugging a bear can lift your spirits. It may not solve all your problems, but it will make you feel better. Maybe it will even make you feel younger, and that's not exactly a bad thing either. Among my collection, I have three bears that are 36" each. If you are an adult and want a bear hugging you, I recommend a 36" (or larger) bear. I can almost curl up in the arms of these bears. If you're not into hugging bears, you could always give bear hugs to the people in your life. Just try not to crush any ribs!

1 comment:

  1. Ah, chocolate again! Why am I not surprised? And another Bear Day too! Again, no surprise there.

    Apropos 36'' bears ... how do you clean them? You will probably get a heart attack when I tell you that I put mine in a cloth-bag and wash them in the machine, using the washing program for silk. So far they all survived! But if one day you hear Breaking News "Girl strangled by dozens of soaking teddy bears" ... ;-)
