Saturday, November 5, 2011

A Year of Blogging: November 5, 2011

November 5 is 'Book Lover's Day'. If that sounds familiar, it's because there are apparently two days for Book Lover's. One was August 9, and the other is the first Saturday in November. Maybe there are so many book lovers in the world that we need multiple days to celebrate! Today is also 'Gunpowder Day' and 'Guy Fawkes' Day. Which, according to, are one and the same. I have to admit, this is another one that has me stumped. When King James I took the throne of England in 1603, he started persecuting Catholics. The Gunpowder Conspirators, led by Guy Fawkes, were Catholics who plotted revenge on the King. They planned to blow up the buildings of Parliament when the King and his supporters were in them. The plot was uncovered on November 5, 1605. Guy Fawkes was arrested just as he was about to light the gunpowder. So I guess there was no reconnaissance work going on. 'Hey, you! What are you doing over there with that match?' So now you know! I know you will sleep better tonight knowing what Gunpowder Day means. Don't forget, it's time to 'fall back', so tonight you will have an extra hour of peaceful slumber.

1 comment:

  1. Yay, what a wonderful daaaaaay!!! The one about the books, not the gunpowder (just wanted to make this clear, teehee).
