Sunday, November 13, 2011

A Year of Blogging: November 12, 2011

It's the time of year I find myself busy with holiday preparations, so I suspect my daily blogging may occasionally skip a day. I apologize in advance. November 12 was 'Pizza With The Works Except Anchovies' day. Another very specific day. Apparently, if you order 'pizza with everything' or 'the works', you will get anchovies as part of the 'works'. If you don't want dead fish on your pizza, then you have to specify 'except anchovies'. Now you know! I've never ordered a pizza with the works. I prefer meat on my pizza to vegetables, and I never choose anchovies! We had pizza for dinner last night, although we ordered an all the meats pizza. It is not the best choice, but I had been busy rearranging the living room and decorating for Christmas and had forgotten to eat lunch. So all of my calorie (and probably more than my sodium) intake for the day came from dinner. 'Pizza With the Works Except Anchovies' day is a day for indulgence. We did that by ordering all the meats instead of just pepperoni or sausage. As my Mom says, sometimes you have to treat yourself! November 12 was also 'Chicken Soup for the Soul' day. I don't take this as a literal day. Chicken soup supposedly makes you feel better when you are sick. I say supposedly because I do not like soup. I very rarely eat soup, and when I do, you know I'm feeling lousy. My take on the whole Chicken Soup for the Soul thing is that you do things that make you feel good. If your spirits are low, do something you enjoy. With that in mind, I decorated for Christmas this weekend. I love Christmas. While it's a hassle to move two couches and a table and then assemble my 7 1/2 foot tall tree, it is so worth it to have the tree up in the corner, adding a beautiful soft glow to the room. Even though I'm incredibly stressed right now trying to prepare for company that is coming next weekend, I still feel a sense of peace when I look at the tree. I guess it's a way of indulging my soul.


  1. I don't see the two of us every sharing a pizza. And I love soup! Amy, I thought we've established we had so many things in common we could (almost) be twins and now you get fussy with food choices. Shame on you!

  2. Perhaps you are the fussy one. HAHA! LOL!
