Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Year of Blogging: November 15, 2011

November 15 is 'Clean Your Refrigerator Day'. Yeah, I need to do that. That shelf that we store milk and drinks on is getting a little funky. It's not the easiest thing to clean. The bottom shelf on our refrigerator is glass, a big piece that fits the width of the frig. The problem is, I don't have a lot of room to push the refrigerator door back far enough to get the glass in and out easily. Tackling the refrigerator is not one of my favorite jobs. Maybe I'll just kind of wipe it off, instead of going for the all out 'tear it apart' cleaning. I know there are no containers with mysterious fuzzy things in the frig. Nothing is green that shouldn't be. I'm very good about keeping up with all of that. I live by the rule of four days with leftovers. If it's been more than four days, I throw it out. To avoid a lot of waste, we do our best to eat up leftovers quickly. If you don't know when you last cleaned out your refrigerator, today is a good day to do it. After all, we need to make room for all those Thanksgiving leftovers!

1 comment:

  1. If I tried to tackle my fridge now you'd see me again next April. Just kidding! Maybe.
    And what about those leftovers? I'm sure the beags would love to help you keep the fridge tidy ;-) !
