Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Year of Blogging: November 14, 2011

November 14 was 'Operating Room Nurse' day. It seems as we get deeper into the year, we are getting more specific with the days. We've already had Nurses day. In fact, I think now they get a week. I'm not opposed to giving them recognition, I just wonder how specific we're going to get. If you're having an operation, be sure to thank your nurses! Maybe I'm a little cranky because I feel like I'm burning the candle at both ends. Working all day, coming home at night trying to get the house ready for company this weekend. I'm so worn out I fell asleep within 30 minutes of climbing into bed last night. For me, that's as close to 'as soon as my head hit the pillow' as it gets. I had been hoping Erich would help me with some of the cleaning, and now he thinks he's sick. He's been whining about it all day. Nurses are the worst patients, I have to say! Let's see if there was anything historical worth writing about. Hmm.. on November 14, 1851 Moby Dick was published. I know it's a classic, but I've never read it. It was one of the free books offered when I bought my Nook, so I do intend to read it. Only recently did I discover that Melville had an Albany Connection, having lived there and attended school as a boy. That makes the book more interesting. I like to read books by Albany authors. He also lived in Pittsfield, MA (which is actually closer to my hometown than Albany is) and was friends with Nathaniel Hawthorne who lived nearby. Ok, now I've just added a few more classics to my 'must read' list. That list keeps getting longer and longer. Interestingly enough, Moby Dick was initially a flop. That gives me a lot of hope for my own aspirations!

1 comment:

  1. It certainly seems that way :-D ! Then again, like you mentioned, we already had Nurses Day, so why another one? Then again, there must have been a dozen different days focusing on chocolate ... so maybe that's just fair then. For nurses, anyway.

    P.S.: Men are such babies!

    P.P.S.: You know, books are more often than not only ever appreciated when the person who wrote them is pushing up the daisies! That said, why not risk it and be the next JK Rowling?
