Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Year of Blogging: January 9, 2011

Today is Apricot Day. I really don't have a lot to say about that. I don't care for apricots. People argue over the pronunciation. For the record, I have always said app-ricot. (Oddly, a friend on Facebook just had this same discussion with several of her friends the other day). says today is also Play God Day. Wow. I'm really striking out here. That doesn't really give me anything to write about either. So I guess I'll tell you that according to the list printed in the Dayton Daily News on January 1; January is National Mentoring Month. I think all of us have someone who has mentored us, at some point in our lives. I know many of mine are teachers. A couple of English teachers in high school, an English professor in college, several of my Communication professors, and then other teachers who really made a difference in my life. Of course, my biggest mentors would be my parents. While there is not one person whom I have tried to imitate exactly, there are a great number of people who have had a tremendous influence on my life. You wouldn't be reading my blogs if it weren't for two English teachers who helped me discover my love of writing, and who encouraged me to keep at it. I have also been fortunate to mentor others, and make a difference in their lives. For me, it was a truly fulfilling experience. I think everyone should serve as a mentor at some point in their lives. If you haven't, I encourage you to give it a try. You never know when a little action is going to make a difference in someone else's life.

1 comment:

  1. Alright, after some consideration I simply need to ask - how would you pronounce apricot differently than what you wrote above?
