Monday, January 24, 2011

A Year of Blogging: January 24, 2011

Today is Compliment Day. I am not very good at accepting compliments. I am trying to get better. I have this image of myself doing this 'aww shucks' head duck when people give me a compliment. That may be a bit of an exaggeration. I know I usually blush (especially if someone is complimenting my intelligence, or something I have made). I try to thank the person giving the compliment. Giving compliments is much easier for me. A compliment from me will always be genuine and heart-felt. I am not a person to throw empty words around. I know each of us has something that sets us apart. Things get done when people work together. And it is easier to work with someone knowing you are appreciated. The world would be a nicer place if everyone tried to compliment other people regularly.

1 comment:

  1. And I didn't receive any yesterday ... damn it! You (and now me) are probably the only ones who even know about this day!!
