Monday, January 10, 2011

A Year of Blogging: January 10, 2011

Today is Peculiar People Day. As I see it, that means it's a day to celebrate each and every person! Each one of us has traits that others might consider peculiar. What I consider normal is not what the person sitting next to me might consider normal. I know people think of me as a bit odd. And I'm okay with that. Being normal is boring. It is the peculiar traits in others that makes them memorable. For instance, my bear friends (and by that I mean friends who collect bears, not friends who are bears) are special to me because they collect bears. While others may wonder at grown women collecting teddy bears, this trait is what endears each of these women to me. Friends who think of their dogs as children might be thought of as strange by those who have only human children. To me, parents of fur babies are kindred spirits. It takes all kinds of people to make the world go around. It would be very dull if we were all the same. And if we were the same, how would we know what was different? Take a few minutes today to celebrate what makes you unique or different. Because we are all peculiar people to someone!


  1. Seeing how we all have our little quirks, it makes you wonder why there even is such a term as "normal". Or maybe that's just so you know the difference between the little and the big quirks, hahahaaa!!
