Monday, January 3, 2011

A Year of Blogging: January 3, 2011

Today is 'Festival of Sleep' Day. Now I am all for having a day to sleep! I like sleeping. Last night when I slipped into my bed and felt my soft blanket around me, it felt like my own little piece of Heaven. Certainly, when my alarm goes off at 7:20 am and it is still dark outside, I could easily snuggle back into my blankets. I think though, that this official sleeping day should not have a fixed date. Since it is a fixed date of January 3, it will sometimes fall on the most unfortunate day- Monday. Such as it did today. That is really a cruel joke to play on people. I never sleep well on Sundays, certainly not when that Sunday ends a three day weekend. Last night was no different, I woke up wanting just a few more hours of sleep. People all over the world stumbled back into the office today, wondering why the weekend ended so soon. Then I find out it's Festival of Sleep day. I really don't think that would be a valid excuse for nodding off at the office. A few months ago I was complaining to a colleague about being tired, and she suggested I just shut my office door and go to sleep. While she was a colleague, she was in another country, so maybe things are different in other countries. Here, it's not really acceptable to sleep in your office, unless your the boss and make more money than anyone can imagine. I think Festival of Sleep day should be a fixed day, rather than a fixed date. Maybe the second Saturday of January. This way, you're past the holiday excitement, you've gotten through the first post-holiday week back at the office, and it's Saturday, so you can sleep in and celebrate the day the way it was meant to be celebrated: snuggled under a mountain of blankets, deep asleep.


  1. I had no idea such a day even exists and now that I know I'm all for it. In fact, why not make the Festival of Sleep a week long?
