Saturday, June 25, 2011

A Year of Blogging: June 25, 2011

June 25 is LEON day. Do you know why? No, it's not a day to celebrate those named Leon. Leon is NOEL spelled backwards. Noel?? On June 25?? That's right, friends! We are just six months away from Christmas!!! While most people will greet this news with groans of 'don't remind me' or see it as a stressful thing, I think it's wonderful. Christmas is my favorite time of year, and I love all of the preparation. The air feels like it's electrified. It is, for me, the most wonderful time of the year. Of course, thinking that I have only six months, I realize I have at least two afghans to make. I need to get started on those. I'm not sure what I will buy Drew or Syd, but I know a trip to the outlet mall is in order. I have already come up with ideas for my parents, and in fact, have one of Dad's gifts already purchased and put up. Then there is the person who is the worst one on my list- Erich. I never know what to get him. I tried to give him an IOU for an afghan last year, and he refuses to pick out the yarn for it. Oh well, at least I have a few months to think about it. I think the best way to celebrate Leon Day would be to put on a cd of Christmas music. It's discreet. After all, if you start putting up the Christmas tree today, your family might call the guys with the straight jackets to come get you. But you could listen to the music and enjoy the spirit. It might even make you feel a little cooler, since we are now into summer. For those who find the thought of Christmas stressful, just think- six months from tomorrow it will all be over! Happy LEON day!


  1. Now that was a new one for me, at least we don't have anything similar in Austria (or the German language for that matter). QVC celebrates Christmas in July though, but that's only next month, sooo ...

    And thinking about Christmas when it just started getting warm outside? Oh, I don't know. I mean, I could do with an AC in the apartment, but I wouldn't want it to be winter already, you know ;-) !

  2. Christmas in July is wonderful! :) It's always so calming and refreshing... :)
