Friday, June 17, 2011

A Year of Blogging: June 15, 2011

June 15 was Smile Power Day. It was a day to wear a smile, and see what a difference you made to others. There are all types of smiles. There are sinister smiles, mischievous smiles, guilty smiles, smirks, and radiant smiles, to name a few. Sometimes, all it takes is a smile to make someones day. It seems so trivial- but it is true. You never know what the people you meet are dealing with, and maybe, one kind gesture from a stranger made a difference in their day. One of the nicest things ever written in one of my high school yearbooks was written by a friend who said "Your smile lights up a room". I had never really thought about it. For three years, I didn't smile. I had braces, and I was really self-conscious of them. So I smiled, but with my lips closed. When the braces came off, my teeth seemed huge. Once I adjusted to the naked teeth, I found my smile again. I love to see Sydney's smile. When she doesn't think about the gap in her teeth, she has this sweet toothy little kid smile that warms you straight to your soul. Drew still has his baby smile, that cute smile of recognition or happiness. He claps and laughs when you smile back at him. Both are so sweet, and both can make a less than wonderful day so much better. Smiles are a gift you can give to anyone. They don't cost anything, and are better for your face than frowning. But a smile should not be forced or phony. If you are going to offer someone a smile, make it genuine. So wear your smile today, just make sure it's not the only thing you wear!

1 comment:

  1. I remember when I still had my braces in I didn't really care that much about whether anyone could see it. Well, usually I tried not to open my mouth widely, but in the end, when there's a reason to smile or to laugh I did so :-) !
