Saturday, June 25, 2011

A Year of Blogging: June 23, 2011

June 23 is National Pink Day. There's no reason why June 23 is National Pink Day. Apparently, someone somewhere just decided to name it National Pink Day. Sure, summer just started, but pink isn't a color I associate with summer. I associate pink with spring. Summer is full of orange, red, and yellow. At least in my world. National Pink Day is probably a day that little girls love. Nothing says little girls like pink. We all know a small girl who tells you her favorite color is pink. Sydney says her favorite color is pink, but then tells you she likes all the colors expect gray and white. Yet, walking into her room, you get the feeling a pink crayon exploded in there! Pink walls, a pink shag rug (not the shag from 1970, but the cool shag currently sold at Target- it's actually a bunch of loose loops, but from a distance, it looks like shag), a pink beanbag chair. Her closet, stuffed to the edges (much like the closets of the women in her life), has a variety of colors, but you notice a lot of pink. Pink dresses. Pink shoes. Pink swimsuits and pink coats. She has a pink battery powered mustang at Mom's. She wears pink sunglasses to drive her pink mustang. Her sandbox is filled with pink sand. You get the idea! It's funny that she loves pink. We tried to keep her from liking pink. When you look at baby clothes, there are pink clothes for girls and blue clothes for boys. There is also a lot of yellow and green. Sure, there are reds and browns and oranges, but for small babies, most of it can clearly be divided: pink, blue, or neutral (yellow/green). My sister's favorite color is purple, and she did not want pink or blue for her baby. We didn't know whether she was having a boy or girl until her shower, so Mom and I decorated in lavender and sage instead of pink and blue. When we found out the baby was a girl, we bought every purple outfit we could find in NY, MA, VT, and Ohio. We bought only a little pink. When Sydney came home from the hospital, she came home to a closet full of purple. And yet, in just a couple of short years, she has made the transformation and is a pink girl. I never cared for pink. My sister liked pink when she was younger, but she moved to purple as a teenager. When I was in elementary school, my girlfriends' said their favorite color was pink. Mine was purple. I don't know what it was about pink- maybe it was what girls were supposed to like, so therefore, because I'm sometimes stubborn and obstinate, I didn't like it. I don't know. It was just never one of my favorites. Even now, I have a few tops with pink in them, and even fewer tops that are pink. I think there is a dress or two that is more pink than other colors. But most of my closet is blues, purples, and greens. If you like pink, then June 23 is your day! Wear pink, paint your nails pink, hey, even paint your house pink if you want (a bit drastic, then again- who am I to talk? I live in a purple house). Paint the town pink and enjoy the day!


  1. Wait a minute ... there is such a thing as PINK sand!?

  2. oh yes. You can buy pink sand, or green sand, there may be other colors too. Very popular with kids here in the states!
