Monday, June 13, 2011

A Year of Blogging: June 13, 2011

June 13 is Sewing Machine Day. I have to say, this is a day that is not celebrated in our family! I do not own a sewing machine. My mother does not own a sewing machine. Mom at least used to have a sewing basket- it was a basket that had legs, it stood maybe knee high. It was covered in that beautiful gold velvet fabric from the 1970's. She had spools of thread of all colors in that basket, and a few needles were stuck inside the underside of the top. She had so much thread because if we needed to sew a button on a shirt and she didn't have the right color, we went to the Corner Store in town and bought the right color. Somewhere in this house, I have a spool of white thread and a spool of black thread. I figure that is all I need. I can tell you where my needles are, they are with my knitting stuff because I use a sewing needle to weave in the ends on my knitting projects. I don't sew. I have no desire to sew. I am a little envious of people who do sew. I know they have an incredible talent. I'd love to be able to make heirloom quilts for family members. I will have to be content making them heirloom afghans! My Grandma had a beautiful sewing machine. It folded into a nice cabinet and became a table. I always thought it was so neat, and must have cost a fortune. Turns out she won it at the county fair one year. That same year her brother won a headstone at the fair. Well, I suppose both were useful. For my friends who do sew, enjoy a few minutes with your sewing machine today!

1 comment:

  1. Actually I own a sweing machine, but I haven't used it since, oh dear me, since the good old school days, yikes! That thing is practically an antiquity!!
    I also have a real old one in storage, from Mom's grandma, I believe. About once a month I bump into it when I park the car in the garage. Seeing how it's cast iron, it always survives my fancy parking skills ;-) !
