Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A Year of Blogging: September 19, 2011

September 19 was 'International Talk Like a Pirate Day'. Supposedly it's a day to let the pirate in each of us out to have fun. I must be defective. I have no inner pirate. I didn't grow up wanting to be a pirate. Then again, I didn't live near an ocean. Perhaps, if you grow up near the ocean, you feel the urge to be on the open seas. I remember learning about pirates, and they weren't good people. They attacked ships, robbed people, and engaged in acts of violence. These were not the role models my parents hoped for me. It seems lately pirates have become popular again, and I really don't understand it. I suspect Hollywood is behind it, glamorizing something it shouldn't. If you have an inner pirate, go ahead and let it out. It is suggested that you go full-force into the holiday. Do not limit your pirate-ness to just speaking. Go ahead and dress like a pirate too! If nothing else, putting a bandana on your head will take care of a bad hair day.

1 comment:

  1. I only ever realized this when I logged into LibraryThing and they had translated the whole site to Pirate-speak. You could switch it back to normal though, but it was just too funny so I kept it for the day. I don't have an inner pirate either. Maybe I'd have to have a parrot on my shoulder and an eye patch to find that inner pirate, who knows?
