Sunday, September 18, 2011

A Year of Blogging: September 18, 2011

September 18 is 'National Women's Friendship Day'. There was a time in my life that my closest friends were all guys. I had best friends who were female, and there were always problems. At the bat of an eye, something would happen and the friendship was over. I've got to tell you, girls can be vicious. With guys, it was much easier. You didn't have the petty jealousies that you had with females. I am at a point now that I have an abundance of female friends. Although I'm still not a woman who goes out with girlfriends. That is primarily a result of geography though- as my closest friends do not live close to me. I'm sure if I lived closer to them, we'd get together regularly. Even if they don't live nearby, you need your girlfriends. A guy isn't going to understand why you are so frustrated with him, but your girlfriends get it. They get why you feel so lousy sometimes. They pick you up and encourage you when you need it. And even when you don't feel so special, a good friend knows just the thing to say to you to make you smile. I am incredibly blessed with the wonderful women who are my friends. Today is the day to celebrate our friendship. Thank you all for filling my life with light, wisdom, and beauty.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree on what you wrote about female vs male friends though fortunately I've never been cursed with really vicious girlfriends. Maybe that's because I never had that many friends - quality over quantity basically!
    And it's true, you can talk with guys about a lot of things, but mention the word "menstruation" and they will run for cover, hahaha!

    P.S.: You know I think we'd have a whole lotta fun going out on a Friday night :-) !
