Saturday, March 5, 2011

A Year of Blogging: March 4, 2011

There were several 'days' celebrated on March 4. The first was Employee Appreciation day. This is always the first Friday in March. Apparently, it's been around for 16 years, but this is the first I've heard of it. As an employee who has felt anything but appreciated lately, it would have been nice for this day to get more recognition. March 4 was also 'Holy Experiment Day'. Apparently the idea is to try something religious- even if it is praying for your team to win. Seriously. That is what is suggested on the website I take offense to this. I have never been a bible thumping, testifying person. My faith is a private matter. I do believe in the power of prayer, but I don't think that power should be used to make the Yankees win their spring training game. The website also suggested to try saying Grace at dinner. I live with an atheist. I know how that would turn out. Most importantly, March 4 was 'Hug a GI day'. Personally, I don't think we have enough of these days. We take our armed forces for granted. My Grandfather served in WWII- first in the Canadian army (he lied about his age), and then in the US Navy. I recently found out his father served in the US Army in WWI (even though he was still a citizen of Canada at the time). Uncles served in Vietnam, my cousin was serving on 9/11. I am eternally grateful to all the GIs who have sacrificed to protect us. We should show our appreciation to them every day!

1 comment:

  1. As far as being an employee is concerned, a lot only ever get "appreciated" when they're not there and others realize what they usually achieve in a days work. Sad but true!
