Thursday, October 13, 2011

A Year of Blogging: October 13, 2011

October 13 is 'Face Your Fears Day'. We all have fears. Maybe it's something major like dying, or something a little smaller like spiders. Although, I have to tell you, there is nothing small about spiders. Yes, I'm terrified of them. I have a certain scream that I make when I see one. I can't control the scream. My voice just rushes out of my body in this particular sound. Erich usually sighs, gets up, and says 'kleenex or shoe?' As in, can he kill it with a simple kleenex, or is it either a huge one or one that will run quickly and therefore requires the shoe. Coincidentally, I will spend this day facing one of my fears. I will be flying home from Myrtle Beach. Yes, you might find it hard to believe that I am afraid of flying. I always have been. Which is kind of funny, I admit. I have been flying regularly since I was 4 years old. I chose to go to college in Indiana, meaning that the easiest way to get back to my parents in New York was to fly. I currently live 700 miles away from my family, and fly back to NY several times a year. And yet, I hate flying. For me, flying is a necessary evil. That doesn't mean I have to like it. I know they say you are safer in a plane than you are in an automobile. I don't believe that. I am a basket case when I fly, although I do a good job of controlling it so others don't know the turmoil I'm feeling inside. There are a lot of prayers said on a day that I am flying, and I am always so very grateful when the wheels touchdown in my destination. Today is also my puppy, Cobalt's birthday. Although he's no longer a puppy. Today he is the grand old age of 10. It is hard to believe. It seems like just yesterday he was a small 8 pound puppy I could hold in my hand. I guess it's the same as it is with human children- he'll always be my little boy.

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