Saturday, April 23, 2011

A Year of Blogging: April 20, 2011

April 20 was Look Alike Day. Some people want to look like celebrities. I've never thought I look like any celebrities. My mom once told me Catherine Zeta Jones reminded her of me. When Grandma Wager saw my wedding pictures (due to hers and Grandpa's declining health, they weren't able to make the trip to NY for my wedding), she told me I looked like a young Elizabeth Taylor. I was flattered. Elizabeth Taylor was so glamorous in her youth, so beautiful. I could never aspire to that, but I was flattered that my Grandma thought so. Maybe I've never wanted to look like a celebrity because I already am a look alike. I look like my mom. I always have. It started to be noticeable when I was a teenager. Most of the time, my hair is short. Except for the couple of years here and there where I've decided to grow it out. My mother's hair is always short. As far back as her high school senior picture, her hair is short. I hated knowing that I looked just like my mom. When I was 16, I had to get reading glasses. For years, I had wanted glasses. My sister got glasses in first or second grade, and for so long, I wanted them too. When I stopped wanting them, the doctor said I needed them. With my hair short, and glasses, I'm a dead ringer for my mom. When you are 16, the last person you want to look like is your mom. I no longer mind that I look like my mom. Mom looks like her mom. I see generations of strong independent women when I look in the mirror. I also see great genes! My mom is 57. She'll be 58 in August. She doesn't look it. She really doesn't look old enough to be a Grandmother. When we were having our adventures this week, people asked her on more than one occasion 'is this your... granddaughter?' They were hesitant when they looked at Syd. She looks young enough that Syd could have been a late in life baby. You can tell, people didn't want to offend her. I actually have more gray hair than my mom does. My gray hair is thanks to Dad. I didn't get much from him, just my height (although Mom is 5'8"), my big feet, and the gray hair. My hope is that in 22 years, I will look as good as Mom does!

1 comment:

  1. I don't think I look like any celebrity either. Then again, if we compared ourselves to some of them not wearing any make-up ... we probably end up being the prettier ones :-D !
    Though I had fun trying out the Celebrity Look Alike feature on My Heritage!!
