Friday, April 15, 2011

A Year of Blogging: April 14, 2011

April 14 was one of those days blessed with a plethora of celebrations. It is 'Ex-Spouse Day'. I'm sorry, I don't think those need to be celebrated. Unless you are celebrating the fact that you are free of them! That, for sure, is worth celebrating. I celebrate that many times a year: namely on August 8 (our wedding anniversary) and November 29 (the day the divorce was final). But I really don't think ex-spouses are worth all that much thought. After all, they are exes for a reason! April 14 was also 'Moment of Laughter' day. The goal is to encourage laughter. Laughter always makes you feel better. There is going to be a lot of laughter in my house this coming week now that Sydney is here. At dinner tonight, something made her giggle, and we laughed hearing her laugh. That caused her to laugh harder, and all of us just lost it. Yet I don't remember what we were laughing over! I hope everyone has had at least one moment of laughter today! April 14 was also Look Up at the Sky Day. It's a great thing to do on a clear night. I love to sit outside and watch the stars. I also like to watch the sky on sunny days, with the wispy clouds floating by. It's so peaceful, and makes you feel so small. It's a good way to put things in perspective- the problems that seem bigger than the world are really just little specks. There was also Pecan Day. Which I thought we had about a month or so ago. April 14 has plenty of celebrations to choose from; something for everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Haha ... Ex Spouse Day ... now that's a good one!
    Joke that is!

    I absolutely approve of the Moment of Laughter and the Look Up at the Sky Day though :-) !
