Saturday, April 23, 2011

A Year of Blogging: April 18, 2011

April 18 was International Juggler's Day. Not to be confused with World Juggler's Day, which is celebrated the Saturday closest to June 17. I have never tried juggling physical objects, such as balls or fruit or knives. I am not the most coordinated person. The other day Syd wanted to have egg races. She explained you took one of the plastic Easter eggs, put it on a spoon, and had to walk around with it. My mother broke out laughing and told Syd she didn't know what she was asking Aunt Amy to do! It is true. I'm a klutz. Grandpa Wager once told me when they were passing out gracefulness in Heaven, I was in another line. We haven't figured out what line I was in...... I am always walking into walls, tripping over things that have been in the same location for years, and bruising myself. Erich just shakes his head and laughs. Part of being a klutz is acknowledging that you are a klutz. And with that is realizing there are certain things that as a klutz, you should not try: skiing (truly- some days I can barely walk without hitting something, strapping narrow wooden planks to my feet do not increase my odds), ice skating (same reason as skiing, only with sharp metal blades), juggling. A klutz juggling? That's really a sideshow! But I do juggle. I juggle life. Work, home, dogs, health, hobbies. At work, I multitask all the time. Answering the phone while typing, stuffing mail while answering questions. I multitask at home. For instance, right now I'm watching tv, playing on FB and blogging. It seems I multitask all day, every day. So in that sense, I am a juggler. We all are. We juggle work, home, families- trying to keep everything going all the time. Sometimes we drop one of these 'balls'. It doesn't mean we are a failure. It means we are human. I think the best way to celebrate International Juggler's Day is to sit down and just do nothing. Take a deep breath, don't worry about the to do lists. Realize that dropping one of the balls is going to happen from time to time. Even the best jugglers stumble once in a while!

1 comment:

  1. Well, I never tried to actually juggle, but I just remembered this line about how parents will be super careful with their first child so it won't harm itself, but with number three they let them juggle with knives, hahaha!
