Monday, February 28, 2011

A Year of Blogging: February 28, 2011

February 28 is Public Sleeping Day. Very appropriate for a Monday! I've started referring to Sunday nights as "Sleepless Sundays". No matter how exhausted I am, I am never able to sleep on Sunday nights. I go to bed, and insomnia kicks in. It's 1am, it's 2am, then 3am. Then my mind starts thinking 'you have to be up in 4 hours, 3 hours,..... ' I usually fall asleep around 4 or 4:30, just as the alarm goes off at 5:00. The first alarm that is. I have an alarm clock with two alarms. I have never been a person to get up with the first alarm. I can do it, but very rarely. The result of my Sleepless Sundays is I wake up on Monday morning groggy, dragging, and possibly a bit cranky. Mondays are the worst days at work- we do marketing which means we print it, stuff it in envelopes, and put postage on it. We do this for 400-600 pieces of mail per week. It is just two of us doing it (in addition to our other jobs). We stand over a table that comes mid-thigh on me. There is a lot of reaching, bending, and of course, folding. I come home Monday nights crippled over and in tremendous pain. Add to this the fact that I'm starting the day on just a couple of hours of sleep, and you can understand why Mondays are Hell. Just as I drifted into sleep this morning, I was woken by torrential rain and thunderstorms. I can't even think of words to describe how hard it was raining. It was like God had opened the biggest hose he could find and turned it on full blast over my house. We were under a tornado watch, which I found out about after it was over. Better to find out about it this morning when the danger was gone, than to find out about it last night as I was trying to sleep. The whole night left me yawning this morning. I took chocolate to work this afternoon because I knew I'd need a pick me up. I could have easily fallen asleep at my desk. Thankfully, it was a little cold in the office, which kept me alert. I was shivering and wishing I had more layers on. I do keep a blanket at the office, but it's not for naps. It is to keep me warm. I work in the basement of an old, poorly heated (and equally poorly cooled) building, so it is always cold. It's not likely I would have fallen asleep at my desk. Other than the obvious: sleeping on the job isn't the best idea!, I'm hesitant to sleep in public places. Especially if I am alone. I will sleep on airplanes, that is probably the most public place I sleep. But even then, my purse is between my feet underneath the seat in front of me. There's so little room on airplanes anymore, especially if you are 5'9", that I know no one is getting my purse without rousing me from my sleep! In other public places I feel too vulnerable. I did take my usual cat nap during my lunch hour. On my couch- surrounded by beagles. I guess it is *my* public place.

1 comment:

  1. I can sleep pretty much everywhere. No kidding.
    It is getting a bit harder now that I grow older - I used to be able to fold myself on two seats on a plane and sleep that way (yes, as an adult and I'm not that tiny), maybe not really comfortable, but doable.
    I can also sleep with the lights on. If I must. Like in the case of this hotel room where lizards would run across the walls and ceiling when you turned off the light ... now there's an idea for my next post on The Travel Garden, yay!!
