Sunday, February 27, 2011

A Year of Blogging: February 26, 2011

February 26 was Pistachio Day. I don't really have much to say about pistachios. I have never cared for them. Erich really likes them, but he does not like pistachio ice cream (something I learned just a few minutes ago as I sat here trying to decide what to write about). February 26 was also Tell a Fairy Tale Day. Sounds like a good day to curl up with a child and read a fairy tale. My favorite Fairy Tale may have been Goldilocks. The story with bears- I know, you are very surprised it is my favorite! I never cared for Cinderella (the evil stepsisters and stepmother frightened me) or any story with a witch (yes, witches frightened me too). I just realized what a wimp I sound like! Well, as a child, those things scared me, and I guess it's left an impression. The website, says fairy tales do not have to start with 'Once Upon a Time' but must end with a happy ending. This has caused a debate in our house, because Erich, who is familiar with German fairy tales, says fairy tales do not have to have a happy ending. The German fairy tales are much darker. Maybe they are on to something- is it better to let children know bad things can happen, or is it better to let them live in a world where everything works out the way you want it to: the Princess gets her Prince, the evil witch goes away, and life is one big happy party?

1 comment:

  1. I always loved fairy tales. Did you know that Grimm's tales were initially for adults and later on tuned down a little for younger readers. Most are still pretty bloody though!
