Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Year of Blogging: February 15, 2011

February 15 was Gum Drop day. I have never really cared for gum drops. I do like Gummi bears though, which are apparently in the same category. A couple of years ago I found a gelatin mix at Hobby Lobby to make your own gummi candy. I also found cute little molds- sea creatures, Easter eggs, and of course bears. They didn't taste as great as the gummis you can buy in the store, but they weren't bad. I think I'll make some when Syd comes to visit in April. February 15 in our house is Erich's birthday. This year was his 42nd birthday. We celebrated by getting up at 3:30am, and leaving at 4am for an airport run. Happy Birthday! In fairness, I had made a beef stew a couple of days before, I made him cookies and muffins, and the night before his birthday we had hot sausage grinders, which is another of his favorite meals. So he was well fed! His gift had arrived the week before. I knew the box would be too big to wrap, so I told him to just open it when it came. I bought him a rain barrel that looks like a big rock. We can collect the rain water off our gutters to water the garden, but it doesn't look like a tacky rain barrel. Plus, the rock thing is kind of a joke. His Bachelor's is in Geology; so I'm always finding rocks for him. Rocks, or fake rocks, are always a perfectly acceptable gift for Erich! Gum Drop Day is always February 15. I'll have to remember next year to knock out Erich's birthday and Gum Drop Day at once by buying him a large quantity of Gummi Bears! (He doesn't like gum drops either, but he loves Gummi Bears!)

1 comment:

  1. Gummi bears, yay! Love them, but only the vegan variety without gelatin (just think about it, basically you're chewing stuff that comes from animal bones, yuck)!
