Thursday, August 25, 2011

A Year of Blogging: August 25, 2011

August 25 is 'Kiss and Make Up Day'. When we were children, if my sister and I had a fight, when we resolved the issue Mom told us to give each other a kiss and make up. When you get older, you kiss and make up with your spouse or significant other. The media loves to ask couples who have been married for a long time, like 60 years, what the secret to a good marriage is. I frequently hear people say 'never go to bed angry'. I don't know if that really is the secret. I remember times my parents were upset with each other when they went to bed. And the cynic in me finds it hard to believe these people never went to bed angry. Maybe they really did resolve all their disputes before bed, or maybe that's just what they think people want to hear. If you are having a spat with someone, today's the day to bury the hatchet. It doesn't matter if it's a recent quarrel or a long-standing feud. And if kissing is too awkward or not your thing, then extend the olive branch. However you do it, just make peace and move on.

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