Saturday, August 13, 2011

A Year of Blogging: August 12, 2011

August 12 was 'Middle Child Day'. Middle children apparently often feel slighted in the family. The oldest will always be the first born. The youngest will always be the baby. Middle children tend to be more introverted. If you think of Middle Child Syndrome, you only need to watch an old episode of the Brady Bunch. Jan gets so frustrated following in the footsteps of her seemingly perfect sister when she says 'Marcia, Marcia, Marcia'. She is sick of hearing about Marcia! So today is the day to celebrate all the Jans in the world. I've never really been sure if I'm a middle child or an oldest child. I am the middle by birth, but the oldest living. I guess I could be either. I have always identified more with oldest children. I am the experimental child. I was the first to do everything. My parents were strict with me. They loosened the reins a bit on my sister. I think they decided I survived, so it was ok to be less strict with Laura. Not that she got away with murder, but she did bend the rules a lot farther than I ever did. My sister says I'm bossy, which she equates with being the oldest. I've never thought of myself as bossy. I'm determined, responsible, and I know how I want things done. Oh wait, maybe that is bossy! We could debate Middle Child Syndrome for hours. But here are a few famous middle children: JFK, Madonna, Donald Trump, Barbara Walters, and Bill Gates. Wow. I would say, if you are a middle child, try to be less like Jan and more like JFK or Bill Gates. Make the world take notice of you! Surely, then your family will too!


  1. The experimental child? :-D
    Me, I am the prototype of the spoiled only child, muahahaha!

  2. see- with only children, the experiment failed. I was so good, my parents decided to have another one. Had my sister been the first child, I'm certain she would have been an only child. "Well, that didn't work out well, lets not repeat it". hahahaha!
