Saturday, July 30, 2011

A Year of Blogging: July 30, 2011

July 30 is 'National Cheesecake Day'. It's a great way to follow National Lasagna Day. Yesterday was dinner, today is dessert. In my opinion, it seems you either like cheesecake or you dislike it. I don't know anyone who sits the fence on this. For instance, my father and sister dislike it. You could make a cheesecake that tastes like their favorite ice cream covered in Hershey's syrup, and they would not eat it because it is cheesecake. If we are at a restaurant and the server is telling us the dessert specials, if the word 'cheesecake' is uttered, my father and sister turn up their nose. The rest of us tune in. Cheesecake is Grandpa Primeau's favorite dessert. His preference is the traditional cheesecake with cherries on top. I remember Mom making him a cherry cheesecake every year for his birthday. If we were going to Grandma's for any family gathering, Mom always made a cherry cheesecake so Grandpa would have his favorite dessert. Mom and I like cheesecake. I like almost all kinds, except just plain cheesecake. If it's plain, it should have something on it- like cherries or strawberries. Now that The Cheesecake Factory is expanding across the country, we have the pleasure of tasting all sorts of cheesecakes. I know you will be shocked to learn my favorite is the Godiva Chocolate Cheesecake. Really? The chocoholic likes the Godiva cheesecake? But a close second is the Dulce de Leche Caramel cheesecake. It's a caramel cheesecake covered with caramel mousse. It's light and decadent. We have a couple of Cheesecake Factories that are about an hour away, but fortunately Sam's Club also carries the Cheesecake Factory cheesecakes. We buy a sampler box that has the Godiva and the Dulce de Leche for me, and a raspberry one for Erich. Although don't let him fool you, he likes the Godiva and Dulce de Leche too!


  1. Ugh, I hate cheesecake! Though I admit when I went to the Cheesecake Factory (I ate something else entirely, of course), the various cheesecakes sure were delicious to look at.

  2. The Cheesecake Factory has lots of scrumptious desserts: cheesecake and not cheesecake.
