Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Year of Blogging: May 9, 2011

May 9 was Lost Sock Memorial Day. It was a day to remember the socks that get eaten by the big washing machine monster or the hot dryer devil. This seems to be one of the big mysteries of the universe- what happens to the socks? I've looked inside my washing machine, the barrel is full of tiny holes. How on earth do socks get sucked through those? Or in the dryer- you'd think they'd find their way to the lint trap. I have to say, I don't have a problem losing socks. I did in college, but I always chalked it up to using shared laundry facilities. Sometimes, if you didn't get there in time, the next person in line would take your clothes out of the washer, put them in your basket, and put their own load in. I do NOT miss college laundry! I don't miss going to the bank for rolls of quarters, or carrying the laundry basket up and down from the third floor to the basement. I actually still have my laundry basket from college. I bought a big one so that I could put all my laundry in one basket and make one trip. It's Rubbermaid- very sturdy. But also usually too heavy for me to carry so I have to ask Erich to carry it upstairs for me. If socks are missing in our house, it is not the laundry machines that are to blame. In our house, it's a fluffy black and white dog that is to blame. Onyx loves socks. If she gets a hold of one, it is possibly the last time you will see it. We laugh when we think that people who live here years after us will likely be digging up socks in the back yard. One of my friends has a battle with socks in her house. When I heard about Lost Sock Memorial Day, I thought of her. Of course, her socks are handmade, not the generic Haynes socks you buy at Target. I think I'd be a little upset if those went missing too. Then again, that is probably Murphy's Law. The cheap ones you can buy in a pack of six pairs for $7 you won't lose. The ones you worked on for a while, you'll lose. It's just like sunglasses. I once bought a very nice pair at Sunglass Hut. I spent a fortune, and lost them by the end of the summer. Now I buy cheap ones at Target or Kohls, and wear them until they break. I think I'm on my fifth year with my current pair. You can't lose them, even if you try!

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha ... now that's a good one!
    And now I'm sending an evil stare to two socks which are lieing around on a box (books, what can I say) only few feet away from where I'm sitting. Both are missing their buddies. One is white, the other darkblue. Houston we have a problem!!
