Friday, May 13, 2011

A Year of Blogging: May 2, 2011

(This was originally published May 4, but Blogger had some issues on May 12 and mysteriously moved it to one of my other blogs) May 2 was Baby Day. It is a day to celebrate babies. Ok, I have to confess. I'm not very fond of babies. They need so much- feeding, burping, holding their head just right. They kind of scare me. Babies are fragile, and since I am not around them that much, I worry that I'm going to break them. I know you are laughing. But it's true! In our family, it is not uncommon for babies to be passed around the room like hot potatoes. My sister didn't allow this with her children, but everyone else does. You go to a family party and could see anyone of 60 people carrying the same infant. Even people who the mom or dad of the baby doesn't get along with gets to hold the baby. I frequently found myself at Grandma's house, visiting with aunts and cousins, and having a baby plunked in my lap. The thing is, I'm good with babies, and they like me. Most of the time, they are quite content for me to hold them. I talk to them, make silly faces at them, feed them and burp them. I do draw the line at diaper changes (unless there is no one else there to do it). I have no reason to fear babies, but I do. I prefer the kids who are older. I like it when they can talk with you, and interact with you. I even prefer the constant questions to a baby. I like the kids I can reason with, argue with, and play with. It's harder to keep up with them, but I feel more comfortable with kids who can at least walk. If they are potty-trained, even better! I'm sure any friends reading this are thinking 'keep the baby away from her!' That actually is fine. The only babies I've ever wanted to hold are my niece and nephew. I am so glad the baby stage doesn't last long, I am really looking forward to Drew being old enough to play and snuggle and argue with me. I've already told him 'Aunt Amy isn't so good with the baby stage- but give me a year or two. I rock the Aunt thing!'

1 comment:

  1. I'm not too fond of babies either. And, quite frankly, I never understood how some parents will pass around their baby to a gazillion different people. I wouldn't want the whole world to hold my baby, that's for sure. Not that I'd have one, but anyway.
