December 12 is 'Poinsettia Day'. Poinsettias are a popular decoration during Christmas. The day was created by an Act of Congress, to honor the first Ambassador to Mexico, Joel Roberts
Poinsett brought the plants back from Mexico. He grew them on his plantation in SC and gave them out to his friends.
Poinsett died on December 12, 1851.
My mother loves Poinsettias. She says it's one of the reasons she and Dad got married so close to Christmas- they loved the Christmas decorations. I like them too, but Poinsettia's are poisonous to dogs so they are not allowed in our house.

December 12 was the birthday of
Ol' Blue Eyes- Frank Sinatra. Today he would have been 96. I know that because my Grandpa Wager would have also turned 96 today if he were still with us. That's right- my Grandpa and Frank Sinatra were born on the very same day. I have always been a Sinatra fan, and I think it's partly because of the connection with the birthdays.
Grandpa was the first member of our 'Double Digit Birthday club'. He was born on 12/12. The other members of the club were my other Grandpa (1/1), my Dad (3/3), and I (6/6). Grandpa was born in 1915. I've never really given a lot of thought to what he saw in his 84 years on earth.
He was born in the house next door to where I grew up. Yet it is likely the house did not have plumbing or electricity when Grandpa was born. Horses were still the primary mode of transportation. Women weren't allowed to vote. The Lincoln Monument in Washington D.C. was under construction. World War I was raging in Europe. Babe Ruth hit his first home run in 1915.
The first stop sign appeared in Detroit, Michigan. Taxicabs first were available in 1915, with fare costing a nickel. And just two days before Grandpa was born, the one millionth Model T rolled off the assembly line.
So much of what we take for granted today was unheard of in 1915. When I look at the pictures of him as a young boy, it looks like it was so long ago. Then again, I guess it was. These are my two favorite pictures of Grandpa. The first is him as a young boy. I love it because he is resting his arms on books. He loo

ks like the perfect student, and that means a lot to me because he loved learning and he loved books. The second picture was taken in the early 1990's. The lobster hat is mine. But this shows Grandpa being a goofball. As serious and smart as he was, he had this funny side. His humor was very dry. Sometimes he'd say something and it took you a minute to get it, then you broke out laughing. He was a one of a kind.
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