Today is Backwards Day. Not to be confused with Opposite Day, which we celebrated on January 25. Although, it seems the two days are similar. And popular with school age children. Why are we letting school age children create so many days?
I'm kidding. I like kids, so I don't want to get any hate mail. But it seems very silly to have two days, very similar to each other, within the same week. I think having either Backwards Day or Opposite day is sufficient. We don't need both.
Today is also 'Inspire Your Heart With Art' day. I am not much of an artist, or an art lover even. I can draw stick people. There are very few art pieces in our house, and the ones we have are mostly landscapes. I could look at mountain landscapes all day. The other artwork in our house is the work of my incredibly talented niece. I currently have two pieces of her artwork on our refrigerator. Although I always end up asking her 'what is it?', I enjoy her work. And I was so thankful that the large, round object with a head and 'AMY' written in her four year old writing was in fact, NOT her vision of Aunt Amy, but rather a turtle; and she wrote 'Amy' as in 'To: Amy'.
Art comes in many forms, including photography. I sorted through photos this weekend, updating my albums with pictures from the end of last year. As I went through the pictures, I realized I took a lot of pictures of the mountains in NY when I was there in October. I put them all in a little album that doubles as a picture frame. I chose my favorite and put it on the front. I put this little album on my dresser, so that each day I can see the pictures and feel grounded. In just a couple of days, every time I look at this picture I feel inspired, connected, and happy. I honestly feel my heart sing. This art that inspires me is the most beautiful of all art: nature.

(this picture is the road to my Mom & Dad's house, although from this perspective, you are driving away from their house).
You know, I'd really like to see one of your stick people now. Seriously.